lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

How many teeth can a dental implant support?

Traditionally, an implant placed into your bone supports a single crown and this is know as a “single tooth implant”. However, if you have several missing teeth, you do not necessarily need an implant for every missing tooth: one implant can support several teeth via a bridge or denture. The number of implants required depends on the volume and density of bone tissue available at each implant site. Often, smaller-sized “mini implants” are used to secure dentures in place.

In the case of full-mouth reconstructions, where an arch of several teeth (10+) needs to be supported in either the upper or lower jaw, a minimum of five to six implants in each jaw would be required. The exact number of implants needed would depend on the individual case and your implant surgeon would be able to advise you on the best solution after a thorough examination and assessment.

Where can bone be taken from for the graft?

The best source of bone for your graft is your own bone tissue from elsewhere in your body. Bone can be grafted from the chin, the back of the lower jaw, the hip and the tibia. Bone taken from your own body is the most viable and has faster healing times when compared to alternatives. In many cases, a combination of artificial bone substitutes and your natural bone is used. In any bone grafting procedure, the grafted bone provides an anchor and stimulus for the existing bone to grow onto, eventually providing an environment suitable for the placement of implants.

1 comentario:

  1. Dental implants can also support a larger number of teeth. If a full set of upper or lower teeth is needed, the procedure is referred to as mouth reconstruction and will usually require 5 or 6 implants to be fitted.

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